Trade marks

unoreel is a private label brand of hose reels and reels and electrical cable reels for professionals and industry, the range includes open, enclosed, sheet metal, acid-resistant and composite reels.

unoflex is a proprietary brand of hose for professionals and industry, the range includes straight std PU hose, straight POLAR PU hose, straight RubTech rubber hose, straight PVC Softech hose and PU spiral hoses.

unocomp is a private label brand of quick connectors and nipples for professionals and industry

Dynorbital®-Silver Supreme

Nakanishi (formerly NSK Nakanishi) is a Japanese manufacturer of micro grinding machines, and two main parts are the handheld models, often called Micromotor, and spindles for incorporation into machine tools.
Speeds from zero to 320,000rpm are available and Nakanishi is characterised by extreme precision and quality, on built-in spindles you usually have a spindle accuracy within 1 µm
Unoflow sells the NSK Nakanishi Industrial range, if you are looking for dental products please contact NSK Dental Nordic

The entire spindle including the electric motor is manufactured by Jaeger themselves and precision and quality are in absolute top class, including a spindle accuracy of 2my on most models

Steiner Production AB previously manufactured the hose reels and reels and hoses for industry that are now part of the Unoreel and Unoflex brands. The company has been merged with Unoflow AB where all operations are currently conducted.