Compressed air school
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Compressors are required to produce a certain flow (capacity); amount of air, or volume, per unit of time. All capacities are measured in m³/min, l/min or l/s and indicate the pressure at which they are measured.
This value is called the Free Air Delivery (FAD).
(Example; K-MID10-270F-ES delivers 1050 l/min FAD at 9 bar.)
The measurement standard that should normally be used is ISO 1217.
The compressed air in the compressor must be compressed to a certain pressure, usually 8 - 10 bar. (Higher pressures are used, for example, for tyre inflation or blasting, etc.)
The pressure at each point of use is set with a regulator and is determined by the application. Manufacturers of air motors, paint sprayers, pneumatics or similar usually specify at what pressure their product should be used (read manuals!)
Some examples of the pressures needed for common applications:
- Regular blowing, about 6-8 bar
- Ordinary air motor, grinder, nut driver etc., approx. 6-8 bar
- Pneumatics, cylinders etc., normally 6-7 bar
As compressed air is used in everything from workshops to laboratory environments, there are different requirements for the quality of compressed air, some common criteria assessed are:
- Water/oil content
- Particle content
- Sterility
- Odour/taste
In larger compressor installations, different compressed air after-treatment systems are used to meet the various requirements. More information on compressed air aftertreatment products can also be found on pages 24-27.
Examples of after-treatment for water-, oil-, odour- and taste-free compressed air

Below are examples of ISO Classes for compressed air, and which classes can normally be used for different applications

Compressors can be of different sizes and have different ways of compressing air. Most commonly, the compressor is driven by an electric motor and, unless otherwise stated here, the values and explanations refer to electric motor-driven compressors.
Some common types are:
- Piston (Fini 0.6 - 15 kW)
- Screw (Fini 2.2 - 75 kW)
- lamella
- turbine
- Scroll
The size we normally talk about is the compressor's ability to deliver compressed air, i.e. the ability of the compressor block and the electric motor. The flow we are talking about is normally stated in Sweden as free air output in litres/minute
or other volume/time unit, see more info under air volume below.
To provide the compressor with a buffer of compressed air that can vary with the often fluctuating demand, an air receiver is usually attached directly to the block, but the size of the air receiver does not really say anything about the "size of the compressor", which is thus determined mainly by the power of the electric motor.
An electric compressor functionally consists of:
1. compressor block
2. electric motor
3. pressure switch
4. air reservoir

The pressure switch is what controls the operation and in this there is a maximum pressure set, where the compressor stops, and a delta pressure, ie the pressure range where the compressor works. The maximum pressure and delta pressure are adapted for each given compressor, its fuse, safety valves and the like AND SHALL NOT BE CANCELLED IF by other than authorised personnel.
Of course, the different types then have more features and their own special solutions to facilitate or streamline operations.
Piston compressors and screw compressors, in more detail:
Available as direct or belt driven, oil-lubricated or oil-free, and single or two-stage. The piston pushes the air past the valve plate in the cylinder head where the actual compression (and most of the heat) occurs.
Mostly air-cooled, two-stage models also have coolers between the stages, it is precisely the cooling between the stages that increases the efficiency of these models.
ALL reciprocating compressors have a load rating* < 100%, normally ranging from about 50% on hobby models to about 80% on industrial models.
Available as direct or belt driven. Two screw-shaped profiles with a very precise fit compress air mixed with oil, the oil cools, seals and lubricates and is separated from the compressed air in the separator filter.
The whole process is normally monitored by electronics and the screw compressor, thanks to oil cooling, has a load factor* = 100%
All compressors create a lot of heat, how much of the utilised power becomes heat varies a little with efficiency, but physical laws mean that at a certain compression there will be a certain temperature increase. For example, at the valve plate of a piston compressor with a maximum pressure of 10 bar, you have about 200ºC at full operation.
As a basic rule, the ventilation area needed to remove heat from the compressor room should be at least equal to 2 x the area of the compressor fan (1 x the area into the room at the floor and 1 x the area out of the room at the ceiling).
*The load factor indicates how much of the total operating time the compressor can be fully loaded.
Choosing a compressor starts with deciding what you want to do with the compressed air, however, this is often already given, and if it is, there is often a spec. from some manufacturer on what pressure and what flow is required.
Use the suppliers' information about the machines you have, do your homework, but take flow rates with a healthy pinch of salt, always expect to need some excess capacity in the end. There are various questions that can be good to have answered BEFORE you even start looking at compressors:
- How much air is needed?
- What working pressure is required?
- What are the requirements for compressed air quality?
- Where will the compressor be located?
- Is there enough power in the house?
Once you've identified your compressed air needs, there are more things to consider before choosing the actual size and model of compressor:
- Max. load rating (hobby compressor e.g. approx. 50%!)
- Connection cable (length and dimension).
- Ventilation (supply and exhaust air).
- Sound level, what can we accept?
- Service accessibility?
Once all these questions are answered, you can choose and install a compressor and peripherals that can give you what you need. The only thing left to do to get started is to get the power from the compressor to each point of use in the right way, see the section on pipework below. To help you answer some of the questions above, you can also use the tables on the following pages / below.
Your pipework is what conveys the power to your air tools, and since it's high flow, the well-known truth is that the chain is only as strong as its weakest link. An undersized or dilapidated pipework system, for example, could well bring down the efficiency of the air user to 50%.
Here are some simple tips for those who want to build their own pipework:
- Ring main, always start with a slightly "oversized" trunk that feeds from two directions, otherwise you risk pressure drops at the edges of the system, and if you want to expand the system, it may be limited from the start.
- Flow, always keep FLOW in mind when planning and building, the right PRESSURE can always be achieved through a straw with a little time, but every bend, every curve and every sharp edge in the system will inhibit/slow down the flow and reduce the efficiency, in other words, think before and plan the most efficient system possible.
- Air quality, think about the air quality you want, and build in the filters, condensation columns and any dryers you need right from the start, otherwise a lot of extra work can arise when you notice that there is water in the air, for example.
- Accessibility, remember that the workplace is usually not static, it changes continuously, so should the pipework. It is then good if all parts are easily accessible. This applies in particular to all
air outlets and filters, etc., otherwise it is easy to never change filter inserts, and to use long hoses instead of pipes, resulting in pressure drops and problems. - Accuracy, once you have planned a good pipework system, don't rush to install it and don't compromise on accuracy. A hole of Ø 1 millimetre leaks about 60 l/minute at 6 bar pressure, this means that if you have a compressor of 1 cubic metre/min and a pipe system with four small holes of Ø 1 millimetre, the losses after the compressor are already up to 20%.
The values in the tables below are guide values and are only a recommendation. Always consult a qualified electrician for detailed information and installation.
Rated current is the current the electric motor draws from the grid at 100 % load and at the specified voltage.
The recommended main fuse for compressors is the conventional "slow-blow" type with a value of at least 1.5 x the rated current of the motor; automatic fuses should also be of the "slow-blow" type.
Starting current is the current consumed by an electric motor during start-up. The starting current is directly proportional to the rated current of the electric motor.
For direct start, the starting current of compressors is calculated to be about 7 times the rated current.
At Y-D start, the starting current can be calculated at about 2.5 times the rated current.
Insulation class describes the ability of the electric motor to withstand temperature rise in the windings.
The most common insulation classes are F and B.
B can withstand a winding temperature of +130°C
F can withstand a winding temperature of +155°C,
both are designed for +40°C ambient temperature.

Protection classes
The protection class of an electric motor or equipment is indicated by the letter IP followed by two digits.
Common protection classes for compressed air equipment are IP23, IP54, IP55 and IP65, some simple hobby models
also has IP20 and must not be used outdoors.
The first digit indicates protection against contact and penetration, the second digit indicates protection against liquids.

First digit: degree of protection against contact and ingress of solid objects.
0 No protection against penetrating objects.
1 Protection against touching dangerous parts with the back of the hand or objects with
diameter greater than 50 mm.
2 Protection against touching dangerous parts with a finger or solid objects with a
diameter greater than 12 mm.
3 Protection against contact of dangerous parts with tools or solid objects with a
diameter greater than 2,5 mm.
4 Protection against contact of dangerous parts with wire or solid objects with a
diameter greater than 1 mm.
5 Protection against contact with dangerous parts by wire. Dust cover.
6 Protection against contact with dangerous parts by wire. Dust-tight.
Second digit: degree of protection against liquid ingress.
0 No protection.
1 Protection against vertically falling water droplets.
2 Protection against vertically falling water droplets when the enclosure is tilted max 15°.
3 Protection against splashing water.
4 Protection against overexposure.
5 Protection against water jets.
6 Protection against strong jets of water.
7 Protection against impact during short-term immersion in water.
8 Protection against the effects of prolonged immersion in water.
What applies to each individual site must be assessed by a qualified electrician. The tables below are intended only as a guide to what you can expect, or roughly what you have to adhere to.

Below, flow in different pipe lengths with 0.1 and 0.2 bar pressure drop

Below, the corresponding pipe lengths of the fittings, and the flows through the hose with coupling and nipple at 6bar working pressure and 0.5bar pressure drop

Below, Inner and outer diameters of pipe threads

Below, Conversion table Units